Monday, February 18, 2008

Air Museum (Cont.)

Here is a continuation of photos that I took at the air museum.

I was very tempted into getting this shirt after I saw it in the gift shop.

This made me laugh. If you can't read what it says: Complaint Department - Please Take a Number. Behind this is a grenade with the pin ring, which has a number attached to it.

This is a shot of the Spruce Goose's propellers. They were just as huge as the rest of the plane.

I thought that this was a really cool plane.

Ever since I was a kid I've always liked the design on this fighter plane.

You can see the enormosity, (is that a word?), of the Spruce Goose next to this good sized plane.

A neat name for a plane, even if it is remote controlled.

Apparently, even though Evergreen International is a commercial company, they used to offer airfare. Here is one of their older planes, built by the Ford Moter Company.

Its always awesome when you come across sweet designs on planes such as this one.

This World War II bomber had very stylish propellers.

Here is the tail end of the much anticipated Spruce Goose. It's hard to capture the size of it on camera.

The cockpit of the fast jet in the world. All though it is no longer in service, it was still amazing to look at. Faster than the speed of sound.

This museum was rich in helicopters, and there were some pretty cool models.

As stated earlier, this museum had other things, such as this cool antique motercycle.

This reminds me of planes that you often see at the small airports.

I thought that this plane had a cool design.

Viewings of planes aren't complete without a seaplane, such as this one.


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